Course Synopsis

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one's own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior. The concepts of Emotional Intelligence have been around since at least the 1900's, but the term was first introduced by Wayne Payne in 1985.

As a result of the growing acknowledgement by professionals of the importance and relevance of emotions to work outcomes, the research on the topic continued to gain momentum, but it wasn't until the publication of Daniel Goleman's best seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ that the term became widely accepted by mainstream media.

Course objectives

  • Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy.
  • Understand, use and manage your emotions.
  • Verbally communicate with others.
  • Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner.
  • Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence.
  • Relate emotional intelligence to the workplace.
  • Balance optimism and pessimism.
  • Effectively impact others

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module 1 - Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Workshop Objectives

  • 2

    What is Emotional Intelligence

    • Module 2 - What is Emotional Intelligence

    • Module 2 - Self-Management

    • Module 2 - Self-Awareness

    • Module 2 - Self-Regulation

    • Module 2 - Self-Motivation

    • Module 2 - Empathy

    • Module 2 - Video

    • Module 2 - Quiz

  • 3

    Skills in Emotional Intelligence

    • Module 3 - Skills in Emotional Intelligence

    • Module 3 - How to Accurately Perceive Emotions

    • Module 3 - Use Emotions to Facilitate Thinking

    • Module 3 - Manage Emotions

    • Module 3 - Video

    • Module 3 - Quiz

  • 4

    Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 4 - Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 4 - Focused Listening

    • Module 4 - Asking Questions

    • Module 4 - Communicating with Felxibility and Authenticity

    • Module 4 - Video

    • Module 4 - Quiz

  • 5

    Non-Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 5 - Non-Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 5 - Body Language

    • Module 5 - It's Not What You Say It's How You Say It

    • Module 5 - Video

    • Module 5 - Quiz

  • 6

    Social Management and Responsibility

    • Module 6 - Social Management and Responsibility

    • Module 6 - Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

    • Module 6 - Articulate Your Emotions Using Language

    • Module 6 - Video

    • Module 6 - Quiz

  • 7

    Tools to Regulate Your Emotions

    • Module 7 - Tools to Regulate Your Emotions

    • Module 7 - Seeing the Other Side

    • Module 7 - Self Management and Self Awareness

    • Module 7 - Giving in Without Giving Up

    • Module 7 - Video

    • Module 7 - Quiz

  • 8

    Gaining Control

    • Module 8 - Gaining Control

    • Module 8 - Using Coping Thoughts

    • Module 8 - Using Relaxation Techniques

    • Module 8 - Bringing It all Together

    • Module 8 - Video

    • Module 8 - Quiz

  • 9

    Business Practices (I)

    • Module 9 - Business Practice Part 1

    • Module 9 - Understanding Emotions and How to Manage Them in The Work Place

    • Module 9 - Role of Emotional Intelligence at Work

    • Module 9 - Disagreeing Constructively

    • Module 9 - Video

    • Module 9 - Quiz

  • 10

    Business Practices (II)

    • Module 10 - Business Practices Part 2

    • Module 10 - Optimism

    • Module 10 - Pessimism

    • Module 10 - The Balance Between Optimism and Pessimism

    • Module 10 - Video

    • Module 10 - Quiz

  • 11

    Making an Impact

    • Module 11 - Making an Impact

    • Module 11 - Creating a Powerful First Impression

    • Module 11 - Assessing a Situation

    • Module 11 - Being Zealous Without Being Offensive

    • Module 11 - Video

    • Module 11 - Quiz

  • 12

    Wrapping Up

    • Module 12 - Wrapping Up

Emotional Intelligence