Course Synopsis

Customer service is a necessary position in the job world today. It helps companies give customers what they want and what they need. Although many customers can be difficult, with the right training, skills, and knowledge, any difficult customer can be handled properly and effectively. With a positive attitude, your employee can effectively deal with the most difficult customers and both parties can end the conversation satisfied. This workshop will help you learn how engaging customers properly can benefit both the employee and customer. Effective customer service can change a company’s reputation for the better. You will gain a new perspective on how to react to negative customers and leave the customer satisfied and as a returning customer. 

Course Objectives

Cultivate a positive attitude Manage internal and external stress Develop abilities to listen actively and empathize Build a rapport with customers in person and over the phone Understand the diverse challenges posed by customers Develop strategies to adapt to challenging circumstances

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module1 - Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Workshop Objectives

  • 2

    The Right Attitude Starts With You

    • Module 2 - The Right Attitude Starts with You

    • Module 2 - Be Grateful

    • Module 2 - Make Gratitude a Habit

    • Module 2 - Keep Your Body Healthy

    • Module 2 - Invoke Inner Peace

    • Module 2 - Case Study

    • Module 2 - Video

    • Module 2 - Quiz

  • 3

    Stress Management (Internal Stressors)

    • Module 3 - Stress Management (Internal Stressors)

    • Module 3 - Irritability

    • Module 3 - Unhappiness with Your Job

    • Module 3 - Feeling Underappreciated

    • Module 3 - Not Well Rested

    • Module 3 - Case Study

    • Module 3 - Video

    • Module 3 - Quiz

  • 4

    Stress Management (External Stressors)

    • Module 4 - Stress Management (External Stressors)

    • Module 4 - Manage Your Work Space

    • Module 4 - Loud Work Environment

    • Module 4 - Co-Worker Relations

    • Module 4 - Demanding Supervisor

    • Module 4 - Case Study

    • Module 4 - Video

    • Module 4 - Quiz

  • 5

    Transactional Analysis

    • Module 5 - Transactional Analysis

    • Module 5 - What is Transactional Analysis

    • Mdoule 5 - Parent

    • Module 5 - Child

    • Module 5 - Adult

    • Module 5 - Case Study

    • Module 5 - Video

    • Module 5 - Quiz

  • 6

    Why are Some Customers Difficult

    • Module 6 - Why are Some Customers Difficult

    • Module 6 - They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Resolution

    • Module 6 - Want Someone to be Held Accountable

    • Module 6 - They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Resolution

    • Module 6 - They are Generally Unhappy

    • Module 6 - Case Study

    • Module 6 - Video

    • Module 6 - Quiz

  • 7

    Dealing with the Customer Over the Phone

    • Module 7 - Dealing with the Customer Over the Phone

    • Module 7 - Listen to the Customer's Complaint

    • Module 7 - Build Rapport

    • Module 7 - Do not Respond with Negative Words or Emotions

    • Module 7 - Offer a Verbal Solution to Your Customer

    • Module 7 - Case Study

    • Module 7 - Video

    • Module 7 - Quiz

  • 8

    Dealing with the Customer in Person

    • Module 8 - Dealing with the Customer in Person

    • Module 8 - Listen to the Customer's Concerns

    • Module 8 - Build Rapport

    • Moldule 8 - Respond with Positive Words and Body Language

    • Module 8 - Aside From Words

    • Module 8 - Case Study

    • Module 8 - Video

    • Module 8 - Quiz

  • 9

    Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers

    • Module 9 - Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers

    • Module 9 - Customers who are Angry

    • Module 9 - Customers who are Rude

    • Module 9 - Customers with Different Cultural Values

    • Module 9 - Customers who Cannot be Satisfied

    • Module 9 - Case Study

    • Module 9 - Video

    • Module 9 - Quiz

  • 10

    Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer

    • Module 10 - Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer

    • Module 10 - Angry Customer

    • Module 10 - Rude Customer

    • Module 10 - A Customer from Another Culture

    • Module 10 - An Impossible to Please Customer

    • Module 10 - Case Study

    • Module 10 - Video

    • Module 10 - Quiz

  • 11

    Following up with a Customer Once You Have Addressed Their Issue

    • Module 11 - Following up with a Customer Once You Have Addressed Their Issue

    • Module 11 - Call the Customer

    • Module 11 - Send the Customer an Email

    • Module 11 - Mail the Customer a Small Token

    • Module 11 - Snail-mail a Hand Written or Typed Letter

    • Module 11 - Case Study

    • Module 11 - Video

    • Module 11 - Quiz

  • 12

    Wrapping Up

    • Module 12 - Wrapping Up

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