Course Synopsis

Media and Public Relations is the most successful method of communicating your value to those around you. Furthermore, good networking skills enable you to tap into those relationships you already have and increase the scope of your network. 

In this workshop, you learn the  knowledge you need to effectively manage your image and value by forming solid networks through strategic communication planning. Effective networking is essential for day-to-day business or for those times when you are actively pursuing job opportunities. This workshop is designed to provide practical and hands-on tools that will give you a skillset in dealing with the media and the public.

Course Objectives 

  • Network for success
  • Manage “Meet and Great” opportunities
  • Dress for success
  • Write effectively
  • Set goals
  • Manage media relations
  • Plan issue and crisis communication
  • Use social media
  • Deliver effective employee communication

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module 1 - Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Workshop Objectives

  • 2

    Networking for Success (I)

    • Module 2 - Networking for Success (I)

    • Module 2 - Creating an Effective Introduction

    • Module 2 - Making a Great First Impression

    • Module 2 - Video

    • Module 2 - Quiz

  • 3

    Networking For Success (II)

    • Module 3 - Networking For Success (II)

    • Module 3 - Minimizing Nervousness

    • Module 3 - Using Business Cards Effectively

    • Module 3 - Remembering Names

    • Module 3 - Video

    • Module 3 - Quiz

  • 4

    The Meet and Greet

    • Module 4 - The Meet and Greet

    • Module 4 - The Three-Step Process

    • Module 4 - The Four Levels of Conversation

    • Module 4 - Video

    • Module 4 - Quiz

  • 5

    Dressing For Success

    • Module 5 - Dressing for Success

    • Module 5 - The Meaning of Colors

    • Module 5 - Interpreting Common Dress Codes

    • Module 5 - Deciding What to Wear

    • Module 5 - Video

    • Module 5 - Quiz

  • 6


    • Module 6 - Writing

    • Module 6 - Business Letters

    • Module 6 - Writing Proposals

    • Module 6 - Reports

    • Module 6 - Video

    • Module 6 - Quiz

  • 7

    Setting Goals

    • Module 7 - Setting Goals

    • Module 7 - Understanding Goals

    • Module 7 - SMART Goals

    • Module 7 - Helping Others with Goal Setting

    • Module 7 - Video

    • Module 7 - Quiz

  • 8

    Media Relations

    • Module 8 - Media Relations

    • Module 8 - Television

    • Module 8 - Print

    • Module 8 - Web Presence Blogs & the Internet

    • Module 8 - Video

    • Module 8 - Quiz

  • 9

    Issues and Crisis Communication Planing

    • Module 9 - Issues and Crisis Communication Planning

    • Module 9 - Gaging the Impending Crisis Level

    • Module 9 - Providing Feedback and Insights

    • Module 9 - How Information Will be Distributed

    • Module 9 - Tracking the Overall Effect

    • Module 9 - Video

    • Module 9 - Quiz

  • 10

    Social Media (The PR Toolkit)

    • Module 10 - Social Media (The PR Toolkit)

    • Module 10 - Blogs

    • Module 10 - Wikis

    • Module 10 - Podcats

    • Module 10 - Social Bookmarks

    • Module 10 - RSS Feeds

    • Module 10 - Video

    • Module 10 - Quiz

  • 11

    Employee Communications

    • Module 11 - Employee Communications

    • Module 11 - Verbal Communication

    • Module 11 - Non-Verbal Communication Skills (Body Language)

    • Module 11 - Email Etiquette

    • Module 11 - Negotiation Skills

    • Module 11 - Making an Impact

    • Module 11 - Video

    • Module 11 - Quiz

  • 12

    Wrapping Up

    • Module 12 - Wrapping Up

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