Course Synopsis

We've all met that dynamic, charismatic person that just has a way with others, and has a way of being remembered. Your participants will identify ways of creating a powerful introduction, remembering names, and managing situations when you’ve forgotten someone’s name.

The social intelligence workshop will help participants work towards being that unforgettable person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations. They will also identify the skills needed in starting a conversation, moving a conversation along, and progressing to higher levels of conversation.

Course objectives

  • Understand the difference between hearing and listening
  • Know some ways to improve the verbal skills of asking questions and communicating with
  • Understand what is ‘non-verbal communication’ and how it can enhance interpersonal
  • Identify the skills needed in starting a conversation.
  • Identify ways of creating a powerful introduction, remembering names, and managing situations when you’ve forgotten someone’s name.
  • Understand how seeing the other side can improve skills in influencing other people.
  • Understand how the use of facts and emotions can help bring people to your side.
  • Identify ways of sharing one’s opinions constructively.
  • Learn tips in preparing for a negotiation, opening a negotiation, bargaining, and closing a negotiation.
  • Learn tips in making an impact through powerful first impressions.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module 1 - Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Workshop Objectives

  • 2

    Increase Your Self Awareness

    • Module 2 - Increase Your Self-Awareness

    • Module 2 - Remove or Limit Self-Description

    • Module 2 - Ask For Feedback

    • Module 2 - Be Open to Change

    • Module 2 - Reflect on Your Actions

    • Module 2 - Case Study

    • Module 2 - Video

    • Module 2 - Quiz

  • 3

    The Keys to Empathy

    • Module 3 - The Keys to Empathy

    • Module 3 - Listening and Paying Attention

    • Module 3 - Don't Judge

    • Module 3 - Shift Your View

    • Module 3 - Don't Show Fake Emotions

    • Module 3 - Case Study

    • Module 3 - Video

    • Module 3 - Quiz

  • 4

    Active Listening

    • Module 4 - Active Listening

    • Module 4 - Attunement

    • Module 4 - Don't Jump to Conclusions

    • Module 4 - Shift Your Focus

    • Module 4 - Don't Discount Feelings

    • Module 4 - Case Study

    • Module 4 - Video

    • Module 4 - Quiz

  • 5

    Insight on Behavior

    • Module 5 - Insight on Behavior

    • Module 5 - Perception

    • Module 5 - Facts vs. Emotions

    • Module 5 - Online Communication

    • Module 5 - Listen and Watch More

    • Module 5 - Case Study

    • Module 5 - Video

    • Module 5 - Quiz

  • 6


    • Module 6 - Communication

    • Module 6 - Give Respect and Trust

    • Module 6 - Be Consistent

    • Module 6 - Always Keep Your Cool

    • Module 6 - Observing Body Language

    • Module 6 - Case Study

    • Module 6 Video

    • Module 6 - Quiz

    • Keep it Up! - Video

  • 7

    Social Cues (I)

    • Module 7 - Social Cues (I)

    • Module 7 - Recognize Social Situations

    • Module 7 - The Eyes Have It

    • Module 7 - Non-Verbal Cues

    • Module 7 - Verbal Cues

    • Module 7 - Case Study

    • Module 7 - Video

    • Module 7 - Quiz

  • 8

    Social Cues (II)

    • Module 8 - Social Cues (II)

    • Module 8 - Spectrum of Cues

    • Module 8 - Review and Reflect

    • Module 8 - Being Adaptable and Flexible

    • Module 8 - Personal Space

    • Module 8 - Case Study

    • Module 8 - Video

    • Module 8 - Quiz

  • 9

    Conversation Skills

    • Module 9 - Conversation Skills

    • Module 9 - Current Events

    • Module 9 - Conversation Topics

    • Module 9 - Cues to Watch For

    • Module 9 - Give People Your Attention

    • Module 9 - Case Study

    • Module 9 - Video

    • Module 9 - Quiz

  • 10

    Body Language

    • Module 10 - Body Language

    • Module 10 - Be Aware of Your Movements

    • Module 10 - It's Not What You Say - It's How You Say It

    • Module 10 - Open vs. Closed Body Language

    • Module 10 - Communicate With Power

    • Module 10 - Case Study

    • Module 10 - Video

    • Module 10 - Quiz

  • 11

    Building Rapport

    • Module 11 - Building Rapport

    • Module 11 - Take the High Road

    • Module 11 - Forget About Yourself

    • Module 11 - Remembering People

    • Module 11 - Ask Good Questions

    • Module 11 - Case Study

    • Module 11 - Video

    • Module 11 - Quiz

  • 12

    Wrapping Up

    • Module 12 - Wrapping Up

    • Congratulations! - Video

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.