Course Synopsis

With the world becoming more mobile and diverse, diversity has taken on a new importance in the workplace. Your will be able to use strategies for removing barriers and stereotypes, and to encourage diversity in the workplace and even through the community. The Workshop Diversity workshop will help you understand what diversity is all about, and how they can help create a more diverse world at work and at home. You will be instructed to use skills such as active listening to receive messages in a diverse population, employ effective questioning techniques, and communicate with strength.

Course Objectives 

  • Explain the definition, terms and history of diversity
  • Describe the meaning of stereotypes and biases, how they develop, and the reasons for your own perspectives
  • List strategies for removing barriers to encouraging diversity for yourself, in the workplace, and in the social community
  • Use active listening skills to receive messages in a diverse population, employ effective questioning techniques, and communicate with strength
  • Understand the importance of body language, both your own, and that of others, and recognize its importance in interpersonal communications
  • Identify ways to encourage diversity in the workplace, and prevent and discourage discrimination

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module 1 - Getting Started

    • Module 1 - Workshop Objectives

  • 2

    Understanding Diversity

    • Module 2 - Understanding Diversity

    • Module 2 - Related Terms and Concepts

    • Module 2 - Video

    • Module 2 - Quiz

  • 3

    Understanding Stereotypes

    • Module 3 - Understanding Stereotypes

    • Module 3 - Stereotypes vs. Biases

    • Module 3 - Identifying Your Baggage

    • Module 3 - Understanding What This Means

    • Module 3 - Video

    • Module 3 - Quiz

  • 4

    Breaking Down the Barriers

    • Module 4 - Breaking Down The Barriers

    • Module 4 - Changing Your Personal Approach

    • Module 4 - Encouraging Workplace Changes

    • Module 4 - Encouraging Social Changes

    • Module 4 - Video

    • Module 4 - Quiz

  • 5

    Communication Skills

    • Module 5 - Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 5 - Listening and Hearing: They Aren't the Same Thing

    • Module 5 - Asking Questions

    • Module 5 - Communicating With Power

    • Module 5 - Video

    • Module 5 - Quiz

  • 6

    Non-Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 6 - Non-Verbal Communication Skills

    • Module 6 - Body Language

    • Module 6 - The SIgnals You Send to Other

    • Module 6 - It's Not What You Say, It's How You say It

    • Module 6 - Video

    • Module 6 - Quiz

  • 7

    Being Proactive

    • Module 7 - Being Proactive

    • Module 7 - Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace

    • Module 7 - Preventing Discrimmination

    • Module 7 - Ways to Discourage Discrimination

    • Module 7 - Video

    • Module 7 - Quiz

  • 8

    Coping with Discrimination

    • Module 8 - Coping With Discrimination

    • Module 8 - Identifying if You Have Been Discriminated Agaisnt

    • Module 8 - Methods of Reprisal

    • Module 8 - Choosing a Course of Action

    • Module 8 - Video

    • Module 8 - Quiz

  • 9

    Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Person

    • Module 9 - Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Person

    • Module 9 - What to Do if You're Involved in a Complaint

    • Module 9 - Understanding Your Role

    • Module 9 - Creating a Support System

    • Module 9 - Video

    • Module 9 - Quiz

  • 10

    Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Manager

    • Module 10 - Dealing with Diversity Complaint as a Manager

    • Module 10 - Recording the Complaint

    • Module 10 - Identify Appropriate Actions

    • Module 10 - Choosing a Path

    • Module 10 - Video

    • Module 10 - Quiz

  • 11

    Dealing with Diversity Complaints as an Organization

    • Module 11 - Dealing with Diversity Complaints as an Organization

    • Module 11 - Receiving a Complaint

    • Module 11 - Choosing a Response

    • Module 11 - Learning from the Complaint

    • Module 11 - Video

    • Module 11 - Quiz

  • 12

    Wrapping Up

    • Module 12 - Wrapping Up

Workplace Diversity