Aprende A Conocerte
Con la ayuda de este video, tu deseo y determinación de hacer un cambio en tu vida será posible. Aprende como puedes alcanzar una vida armoniosa y divertida que esté llena de amor y confianza y así podrás luchar con propósito en tu vida diaria.
Haz Productivo a tu Equipo
Customer Support
Customer support is essential to establish loyalty with the individuals who consume your products. It is also crucial for identifying your unhappy customers, reducing churn, and increasing revenue. Learn to establish excellent customer support today!
Seeing and Taking Initiative
Using initiative in the workplace isn't just a way to help your team become more successful, it's also a way to get your company to recognize you as a key asset. This course will list the steps needed for you to be confident when taking initiative.
Elevator Pitch
Este curso está dirigido a prepararte para que seas capaz de desenvolverte y comunicarte de forma óptima y eficaz para lograr esa conexión e impacto en tu primer encuentro en busca de inversionistas o aliados para emprender tu negocio.
Cyber Security
Cyber security is a very important element that a business owner must understand to avoid breaches in personal information. This course will give you the knowledge to keep your electronic data safe and teach you how to highly secure valuable data.