Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Our workshop will cover strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination. Participants will obtain skills and characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals!
Increasing Your Happiness
Happiness is a vital element that drives us to reach our goals and keeps us motivated to overcome the challenges we face. This course will give you the secrets to increasing your happiness by showing you how to practice positivity and set new goals.
Improving Self-Awareness
Self awareness is the first step towards understanding what you are capable of achieving. Learn to utilize your strengths and weaknesses to live a higher quality of life! Improve your business and personal life with this online course!
Creating A Great Webinar
In today's world, online education has become one the most popular ways to obtain information. This course will give you tips to interact with your audience, show you how to market through social media, and provide examples of mistakes to avoid.
Employee Recognition
Praise and recognition are essential to having a successful work environment. RISE PROGRAMS has developed this course to emphasize the importance of employee recognition, increase productivity, and fuel motivation in the workplace.
Event Planning
Organizing a special event requires a particular set of skills & traits. RISE PROGRAMS has developed this course to help you plan professional and entertaining events for your desired guests. Are you ready to orchestrate an unforgettable time?