Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
Ética Empresarial
Con este taller aprenderás a definir y entender la ética, comprender sus beneficios, crear estrategias para aplicarla en el trabajo, identificar el comportamiento ético y no ético.
Administración del Desempeño : Identifica y Potencializa el Talento para Incrementar tu Productividad
En este curso aprenderás diferentes técnicas que te ayudarán a identificar y potencializar el talento de tu equipo, y con ello lograr que tu productividad mejore y se mantenga en los altos estándares.
Comunicación Digital
En este taller aprenderás habilidades básicas para manejar tus redes sociales y crear tu marca personal, utilizando la tecnología de manera que puedas mantener tus relaciones digitales seguras y practicar reglas de etiqueta digital.
Indagación Apreciativa
Con este taller, serás capaz de pensar en términos positivos, animar a otros a que lo hagan igual, reconocer posibles atributos en la gente, crear imágenes positivas, y dirigir y guiar empleados en un ambiente agradable.
Handling a Difficult Customer
Customer service is very important when it comes to running a successful business. It is essential to train your employees to handle any situation. This course will give you and your team the tools to handle all range of customer personalities.
Seguridad en el Trabajo
Los procedimientos de seguridad deben implementarse en las compañías. Con este curso podrás entender las responsabilidades asociadas a un lugar de trabajo seguro y crear un plan de seguridad para identificar peligros que incluya normas efectivas.
Resolución de Conflictos
En este curso, los participantes aprenderán las habilidades cruciales de manejo de conflictos, incluyendo lidiar con la ira y el uso del Marco de Acuerdo.
Developing New Managers
Training your company's managers is very important towards the success of your team. It is essential to implement your mission and vision to the supervisors of the teams you build. This course will give you the knowledge to prepare your leaders!
Hiring Strategies
For the most part, the hiring process can be tedious and time consuming. RISE Programs has created this workshop to help you manage, choose, and screen new employees in the most effective manner.
Human Resource Management
Millennial Onboarding
Talent Management
Trainings are a vital part of preparing your team to reach the success you desire! This course is designed to show you the techniques to train your trainers to handle and manage your business in the most effective way!
Workplace Diversity
Having a diverse work environment can very beneficial for team of employees. Bringing in a range of ideas and traditions in one setting can lead to an increase in creativity and motivation.
Workplace Harassment
Harassment in any situation can make people very uncomfortable and can create a tense environment. This course will show you how to identify, manage, and deal with harassment in the workplace.
Workplace Violence
With violent acts being more common throughout the media, it is important to be aware of the dangers of workplace violence. This course will help employers identify, solve, and learn proper techniques to handle workplace violence.
Communication Strategies
Power in Heels: Women in Leadership
Pasos para formar un Equipo Virtual y Mejorar tu Productividad
Al finalizar este curso serás capaz de fundar un equipo virtual con normas y reglamentos, realizar reuniones virtuales efectivas utilizando métodos de comunicación y herramientas para aumentar la confianza y seguridad en los empleados.
Contabilidad Básica Para Emprendedores
Para el final del taller serás capaz de comprender la contabilidad básica, conociendo los diferentes métodos contables que existen, los tipos de estados financieros y maneras de crear presupuestos, para aplicarlo en tus negocios o proyectos.
Safety Training for Employees
Intentional Loving
This course will teach you the skills to take your relationship with your significant other to the next level. Learning how to love and be loved is very important. Discover the art of intentional loving with Richard Martinez today!
Six Pillars of Leadership
Leadership is an important virtue when it comes to inspiring a person or groups of individuals. In this course, you will learn the six pillars of leadership that will help you maximize your potential and understanding on what it takes to be a leader.
How to Run an Effective Meeting
This course will help you prepare, construct, and deliver an effective meeting. By learning how to prepare, organize meeting time, and execute follow ups, you can be confident in the delivery of content and information.
Fractured Soul
Have you had situations where you try really hard and things just don't work out? Identifying if you have a fractured soul is the very first step in changing this stagnant lifestyle. Learn how to maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit today!
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done: Video Course
Universal Safety Practices
Safety practices are required in the workplace to avoid injury or harm to any employees or staff. This course will give you the rundown on how to implement a system of practices to run a successful business.
Make It Last Forever
Top 10 Sale Secrets
Do you want to know how to successfully seal the deal with every customer? RISE PROGRAMS has partnered with some of the masters of sales to develop the TOP 10 SECRETS TO SELL ANYTHING!
In-person Sales
Although selling over the phone has the same objective, learning to seal the deal "in-person" is a different game! This course will show you the proper body language, how to speak your client's language, and help you strike success with customers!
Free Trial "Resolución Creativa de Problemas"
Este curso te dará una visión de los componentes del proceso que lleva a una Solución Creativa de Problemas,así como herramientas clave como lluvia de ideas,recopilar,analizar información e identificar recursos que se otorguen en el curso.
Free Trial "Resolución de Conflictos"
Resolución de Conflictos Dondequiera que dos o más personas se unen, hay posibilidad de conflicto. Este curso les dará a los participantes un proceso de resolución de conflictos de siete pasos, que pueden utilizar y modificar para resolver disput...
Estrategias de Reclutamiento
Con este taller aprenderás a desarrollar una estrategia factible para reclutar y seleccionar personal con diferentes pasos y técnicas, encontrando a los mejores candidatos potenciales para el puesto.
Guía para emprendedores - Desarrolla tu visión para los negocios.
Con este taller podrás adquirir destrezas para los negocios, llevando tu personalidad parar los negocios al siguiente nivel, a través del desarrollo de habilidades y conocimientos con los que podrás definir y tener claro las metas de tu negocio.
Integracion y Fidelizacion de Empleados
Al final de este taller, podrás definir lo que es onboarding, entender sus beneficios y propósito, identificar formas para involucrar a los empleados, hacer su seguimiento y preparar un programa de Onboarding especial para tus colaboradores.
Resolución Creativa de Problemas
Este curso te dará una visión de los componentes del proceso que lleva a una Solución Creativa de Problemas, así como herramientas clave como lluvia de ideas, recopilar, analizar información e identificar recursos que se otorguen en el curso.
Inteligencia Emocional
En este curso aprenderás la habilidad de comprender tus propios sentimientos y los de otras personas, así cómo entender como estas emociones pueden influir en la motivación y el comportamiento de cualquiera.
Habla y Convence: Estrategias de Comunicación
En este taller aprenderás diferentes estrategias de comunicación, desde entender qué es, identificar sus formas, obstáculos y habilidades avanzadas para que domines el arte de la conversación siendo asertivo al momento de comunicarte.
Entrenamiento Para Call Center
Este curso te permitirá identificar y definir estrategias de venta por teléfono, conocer tipos de motivaciones de compra, practicar la comunicación efectiva, superar objeciones y finalmente cerrar la venta.
Guía Básica de Marketing en Internet
Con este taller podrás elaborar investigaciones de mercado y comprender a tu público. Al finalizar, podrás conocer la mejor manera de realizar tus campañas en internet, integrando las técnicas tradicionales de marketing con la tecnología moderna.
Manejo de la Ira
Manejo del Tiempo
Este curso es indispensable en cualquier empresa y frecuentemente comienza con el establecimiento de metas. Al terminar, serás capaz de organizar tu trabajo delegando, planeando y priorizando las actividades diarias de forma eficiente y productiva.
Tú eres el líder de tu vida
Marketing Básico Para Emprendedores
Con este taller podrás conocer los diferentes tipos de marketing y las técnicas correctas para emplearlas en tus campañas. Aprenderás estrategias adecuadas para establecer y lograr tus metas, y dirigir tu campaña de marketing hacia el éxito.
Desarrollo de la Creatividad
Lenguaje Corporal
Controla la conversación, maneja la atención, persuade y transmite el mensaje correcto conociendo lo que expresa tu cuerpo y el de los demás.
Aprende A Conocerte
Con la ayuda de este video, tu deseo y determinación de hacer un cambio en tu vida será posible. Aprende como puedes alcanzar una vida armoniosa y divertida que esté llena de amor y confianza y así podrás luchar con propósito en tu vida diaria.
Haz Productivo a tu Equipo
Seeing and Taking Initiative
Using initiative in the workplace isn't just a way to help your team become more successful, it's also a way to get your company to recognize you as a key asset. This course will list the steps needed for you to be confident when taking initiative.
Customer Support
Customer support is essential to establish loyalty with the individuals who consume your products. It is also crucial for identifying your unhappy customers, reducing churn, and increasing revenue. Learn to establish excellent customer support today!
Elevator Pitch
Este curso está dirigido a prepararte para que seas capaz de desenvolverte y comunicarte de forma óptima y eficaz para lograr esa conexión e impacto en tu primer encuentro en busca de inversionistas o aliados para emprender tu negocio.
Cyber Security
Cyber security is a very important element that a business owner must understand to avoid breaches in personal information. This course will give you the knowledge to keep your electronic data safe and teach you how to highly secure valuable data.
Coaching Salespeople
Your company's salesforce drives your revenue and establishes the way in which your product will be sold to the public. Therefore it is vital that coaching salespeople in the correct manner will correlate with your company's success. Enroll Today!
La comunicación positiva puede ayudar mucho favoreciendo la productividad, optimismo y capacidad de resolver problemas. Con este curso aprenderás técnicas especiales que obtendrás al aplicar la Comunicación Positiva en tu vida.
Líder Positivo en Femenino
Con este curso aprenderás a identificar tus fortalezas de carácter para definir los rasgos de tu personalidad, lo cual te permitirá llegar más rápido a las metas que te traces como mujer líder, para obtener los resultados deseados en tus proyectos.
Crisis Management
Being overwhelmed can bring negative consequences that can affect your work or personal life. This course will teach you valuable techniques to practice emotional control, find solutions, and manage stressful situations in the most efficient way.
Employee Termination Process
Being the barer of bad news isn't always easy. For this reason, RISE Programs Academy has developed this course to give you the tools to carry out an employee termination in the most effective and concise way.
Líder Positivo
En este curso aprenderás a desarrollar tus fortalezas de carácter y las de tu equipo, potenciar tus habilidades de comunicación, ser resiliente y optimista, para aumenta tu bienestar y convertirte en un Líder Auténtico!
Life Coaching Essentials
In life, making choices can be overwhelming... Having someone to explain our situations to can give us a different perspective and allow us to explore multiple options. This course will give you the life coaching essentials you need to thrive!
Contract Management
Learning how to handle contracts can be a complex process. Mismanaging a contract can lead to consequences and potential losses for your company. This course will show you how to avoid these problems and become an expert in contract management.
Civility in the workplace
Do you want to maximize your team's potential and improve their productivity? This online course will prove the importance of civility in the workplace and how it affects your employee's motivation levels. Create your dream work environment today!
Customer Service
Having excellent customer service is the foundation for developing a loyal client base. RISE understands that treating your customers properly is a representation of your company's values, so we've developed this course for you!
Delivering Constructive Criticism
Constructive criticism can be a helpful tool when used with the intent of helping or improving a situation in the workplace. By the end of this course, you will learn to effectively deliver constructive criticism and know its ultimate purpose.
Business Etiquette
Business etiquette means building positive impressions within your company. This is the foundation of displaying confidence and earning respect with your peers. This course will give you the tools to create prosperous connections with your colleagues
Adult Learning Mental Skills
Change Management
Team Work and Team Building
The cooperative and combined effort of a team ultimately leads to a company's level of success. This course is packed with valuable information on growing a team, distributing work evenly, and learning to adapt to each others personalities.
Business Ethics
RISE PROGRAMS has developed a course that examines principles, moral, and ethical problems that can arise in a business environment which applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the behavior of individuals.
Safety in the Workplace
Practicing safety in the workplace is required in every job. Learning to properly utilize equipment, practice safety techniques, and knowing what to do in case of an emergency is very important and can be life-saving.
Crear un Seminario web
En este taller aprenderás qué es un seminario web y cómo hacerlo de manera efectiva para captar más clientes. Con esto lograrás que tu marca sea más conocida en el mercado, además de darles un excelente seguimiento para crear lealtad en ellos.
Manager Management
Having a manager who understands how to ignite a new employee's career and lead them to being successful within the company is vital. This course will give you the tools needed to guide your employees to achieving their goals.
Al finalizar este curso, podrás identificar aquellas actitudes y herramientas que te permiten prestar un buen servicio al cliente, tanto en persona como por teléfono, logrando así conectar con tus clientes para el beneficio de tu compañía.
Supervising Others
Being in a position of leadership can be a big responsibility that requires learning the most effective ways to supervise others. This course will give you the tools to manage your team by teaching you how to set expectations, resolve conflicts, etc.
Leadership and Influence
It is never easy to take the lead, as you will need to make tough decisions and face challenges. This workshop will show you the techniques of true leadership and allow you to build the confidence needed to handle life's most difficult obstacles!
Employee Motivation
Telephone Etiquette
Having proper phone etiquette is vital in driving company sales and keeping great customer relations. Learn how to successfully carry any conversation and make the sale with this intensive online course!
Sales Fundamentals
Sales fuel a company towards the path of success. Therefore, it is important to learn the concepts that will get you the income and results you need! This course will teach you the fundamentals, so you can become the master of closing sales!
Health and Wellness at Work
When running a business, it is important to take into consideration the effects of having proper health programs. Implementing and promoting health and wellness within the workplace will ultimately motivate your employees live a healthy lifestyle.
Coaching and Mentoring
Presentation Skills
Budgets and Financial Reports
Learning to have an organized way to access your budgets and financial reports is crucial in measuring how well your company doing. This course will show you how to manage your finances, stay on top of excess spending, and ultimately save your money.
Media and Public Relations
In this technologically driven world that we live in, learning how to advertise your business is a necessity. Learn the secrets of the media marketing and public relations to help gain clients and increase your company's exposure.
Employee Recruitment
The employee recruitment process is very important for every business owner to understand. This course will give you the knowledge to be able to screen, analyze, and identify excellent candidates for your company!
Social Learning
By fully understanding the process of social learning, you will improve your self-efficacy, see an improvement in morale, and productivity as well! Become the positive role model your family, friends, and peers would admire.
Marketing Basics
Learning to promote your product, brand, or company is one of the most vital aspects of having success in your business. This course will teach you valuable marketing techniques and minimize your risk of failure by showing you real-life examples.
Work-Life Balance
Stress Management
Social Intelligence
This workshop will help you work towards being a confident person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations.
Internet Marketing Fundamentals
Learning how to market on the internet can help you run a successful online business and generate cash flow! With social media sites being able to attract millions of viewers, learning the tips & tricks provided in this course will bring you s...
Public Speaking
This Public Speaking course will show you the tools you need to be comfortable when speaking in front of any audience. By overcoming this fear, you will see positive results in your personal and professional life.
Managing Workplace Anxiety
Time Management
Imagine always being on time, turning in work early, and getting more of your tasks accomplished throughout your day... RISE Programs has developed this workshop to give you the tools to organize your workload and effectively accomplish more!
Personal Productivity
Motivating Your Sales Team
A motivated sales force is crucial for a company's success. This online course will give you the knowledge to create a motivational work environment, show you the importance of check-ins, and help you develop strategies to encourage employees!
Event Planning
Organizing a special event requires a particular set of skills & traits. RISE PROGRAMS has developed this course to help you plan professional and entertaining events for your desired guests. Are you ready to orchestrate an unforgettable time?
Job Search Skills
There is nothing more nerve-wrecking than having a job interview. RISE Programs understands this, so we've developed this course to help you leave an outstanding impression and land your next great opportunity!
Improving Mindfulness
Creating A Great Webinar
In today's world, online education has become one the most popular ways to obtain information. This course will give you tips to interact with your audience, show you how to market through social media, and provide examples of mistakes to avoid.
Employee Recognition
Praise and recognition are essential to having a successful work environment. RISE PROGRAMS has developed this course to emphasize the importance of employee recognition, increase productivity, and fuel motivation in the workplace.
Improving Self-Awareness
Self awareness is the first step towards understanding what you are capable of achieving. Learn to utilize your strengths and weaknesses to live a higher quality of life! Improve your business and personal life with this online course!
Increasing Your Happiness
Happiness is a vital element that drives us to reach our goals and keeps us motivated to overcome the challenges we face. This course will give you the secrets to increasing your happiness by showing you how to practice positivity and set new goals.
Call Center Training
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Our workshop will cover strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination. Participants will obtain skills and characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals!
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one's own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior.
Critical Thinking
Body Language Basics
Anger Management
Having control over our emotions is not only beneficial in our personal life but in our professional life as well. This course is packed with excellent techniques for overcoming problems, dealing with agitated individuals, and identifying solutions.
Project Management
How To Be a Likeable Boss
Attention Management
Social Media in the Workplace
Although we have the freedom to post anything on our personal pages, we have to consider our professional appearance in the workplace. This course will give you the road map to appropriately utilize your social media within the workplace!
Negotiation Skills
Are you ready to make beneficials deals and improve your business? Whether we realize it or not, we negotiate on an everyday basis. Learning the negotiation process will not only help you in personal life, but in your professional life as well!
Organizational Skills
Having excellent organizational skills is directly linked with trust and professionalism in the workplace. Taking this course will give you the ability to plan accordingly and finish your tasks on time therefore making you a valuable asset.
Meeting Management
Interpersonal Skills
The Interpersonal Skills workshop will help participants work towards being that unforgettable person by providing communication skills, negotiation techniques, tips on making an impact, and advice on networking and starting conversations!
Personal Branding
Assertiveness and Self Confidence
Creative Problem Solving
This course will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day.
Social Media Marketing
In today's modern world, social media has become a predominant way to reach the masses , raise awareness, and promote your product. Learning to manage and gain followers on social media platforms can be a key factor in having a successful business.
10 Soft Skills You Need
With our workshop, participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of soft skills. By observing the way people interact and finding new approaches, participants will improve on almost every aspect of their career!
In life, SELF LEADERSHIP is what enables you to reach your goals and accomplish your tasks! This course will give you the tools to strengthen yourself discipline skills, which is necessary to effectively complete your long term goals!
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the primary objective of the leader is to serve. This course will give you a different perspective on the power of leadership and how it can benefit your personal and professional life!